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"We Create Brands"

Consulting and Project Management



H - Gép

The company has been involved in the repair, servicing, and manufacturing of concrete plants from the beginning to the present day. The business has continually evolved, expanded its scope of activities, and has been operating as a Limited Liability Company since 1996.

Káró Transport

With our experienced transportation professionals and modern fleet, we provide excellent quality service to our clients. Whether it’s domestic or international transportation, our partners can confidently turn to us.


We are looking for teams to partner up with in order to start a memorable journey together. To leave a long-lasting mark in the history of innovation, our entrepreneurs need to keep responsibility and stability in mind, while concentrating on disruptive solutions.

Pilates Flow Studio

The aim of the STOTT Pilates method is to restore the natural curves of the spine while promoting harmonious functioning through strengthening the muscles around the joints. Joint endurance increases, and joint complaints are alleviated.


Consciously set, clear corporate goals create stable employee motivation, because the increase in productivity and measurable results, along with revenue growth, can be demonstrated even in the short term.

European Ecocycles Society

The European Ecocycles Society has been created by researchers, professional environmentalists, social scientists, humanists, economists, and regional developers, who adopt the holistic, interdisciplinary, ecosystem and ecocycle-based approach to applied research and education in Earth System Science.

Needs assessment questionnaire

Thank you for sharing your ideas with us, as they serve as the basis for creating the appearance you desire!

Initial steps of our collaboration:

1. We’re not mind readers, so we’ll ask for a few pieces of information,
2. Within 24 hours, we’ll provide feedback or get in touch with you,
3. Sometimes, it’s necessary to refine certain details based on your input; if so, we’ll reach out,
4. We’ll send you a proposal.


Familiar Brands? We designed them.

Award-winning Websites

One of the significant recognitions of the digital renewal project of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences of Szent István University was this award.
„Dear Zoltán! I would like to thank you for your hard work and effort on the virtual exhibition ISTEN A XXI. SZÁZADBAN! With gratitude and blessings: Dr. Márton Bársony, PhD Workshop Leader, Scientific Senior Associate”


With our flexible approach and unique design solutions, we guarantee that your advertisements stand out from the crowd and maximize your social media presence.


We blend art and design elements to create brochures that provide high-level artistic quality and effective value creation.


We help our clients’ brands stand out from the crowd.

We put our best creativity and strategic thinking into every project.

We continuously strive to develop new and effective solutions that excel in the market because ‘we create brands’.

E-mail & Telefon


8220 Balatonalmádi,
Álmos u. 1.

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